7 Brew coffee stand 'drops' in on Sinking Spring

22 Aug.,2023


SINKING SPRING, Pa. — A creative concept drive-up coffee shop that will be the first of its kind in Pennsylvania is opening in Sinking Spring.

"We don't have a speaker box," said Courtney Odom, 7 Brew Sinking Spring franchise partner. "We actually have people that walk up to your car and have a very personalized interaction with you. It's part of what I love about 7 Brew."

7 Brew is all about cultivating kindness.

"It's all about our service that we provide and it's a super fun, energetic environment," explained Odom.

The store offers many different types of beverages, including coffee, tea and energy drinks. All the different flavors and options allow customers to create thousands of customizable combinations.

Thursday was the big day at the future Sinking Spring site where the building was brought in by crane to be placed on its foundation. Dozens watched in anticipation.

Odom said she's very excited about being part of the company and said she knows the location is just right.

"We were pretty sure that it was the right site," Odom said. "I was walking by it with my daughter and I kind of looked up and I said if this is the right the spot, show me a four-leaf clover," remembered Odom. "I'm not kidding that 30 seconds later, my daughter says 'Mom, I found a four-leaf clover.'"

Odom said the traffic in the area and changes in the community will mesh perfectly with the caffeine newcomer, which will open at the end of October.