Guard Patrol System – Novus Guard

24 Aug.,2023


Our state-of-the-art security system takes a proactive approach to missed checkpoints, accounting for external factors such as hazardous weather that may prevent guards from reaching designated areas. In such cases, our system generates an instant notification to the concerned guard, inquiring about the missed checkpoint and prompting an explanation. This feature is designed to promote guard accountability and to ensure that missed checkpoints are not left unaddressed, regardless of the underlying circumstances.

Furthermore, our advanced missed checkpoint scanning technology is designed to capture a comprehensive data log of missed checkpoints and the corresponding explanations provided by the guards. This valuable data helps us to identify any systemic issues and to take corrective action, ensuring that our security services maintain optimal performance and effectiveness.

Our system operates on a performance-based ranking system that takes into account the number of missed checkpoints. The more missed checkpoints, the more negative the impact on the guards’ performance ranking. This encourages guards to take their responsibilities seriously and to prioritize the safety and security of the premises they are entrusted to protect.

If you have any questions on guard tour system. We will give the professional answers to your questions.