Collapsible Walking Pole for Travel

15 Sep.,2023


How can a collapsible trekking pole also be strong?

The Earth Trek Pole was designed by two avid hikers who had a passion for globe trekking. They had a goal of creating the best walking pole for travel. Developing a simple, portable, collapsible, walking pole for full body support for long trips and treks. They came up with design that is now the ideal travel pole for global treks. Full walking support, with easy operation.

Now, world travelers, and travel walkers have made the collapsible Earth Trek Pole a favorite walking support system.

Compact for walking anywhere.  Earth Trek Pole brings strength back to the hiking pole stick.

Transforming the nordic trekking pole for global travel and everyday walking.

If you are looking for a folding trekking pole that is lightweight, yet supportive, Earth Trek will serve you for years to come.