How To Paint Skirting Boards

30 Aug.,2023


Apply painter’s tape to the adjacent surfaces of your skirting (the wall & floor). Press the tape firmly to the surfaces, and using a putty knife press the edges to guarantee good adhesion. This helps to stop paint bleeding through the edges.  

Time to Paint

1. Apply a coat of primer to the trim. This is especially necessary if you have used filler/spackling to repair any cracks or dents. The primer will provide a good surface for the paint to adhere to.

2. Allow sufficient time for the primer to thoroughly dry, and then lightly sand the surface of the primer with 120-grit sandpaper to eliminate any paint drips or brush strokes. Remove any sanding dust with a damp sponge, or Tack Cloth.

3. Use short horizontal brush strokes to apply the paint, and then smooth over the short brush strokes with one longer continuous brush stroke. This technique will create the appearance of long and smooth brush strokes. Be patient, painting in short sections as you progress around the room.

4. Carefully remove the painters tape before the paint is completely dry. It is better to remove the tape whilst the paint is still moist under the surface.

With high quality products and considerate service, we will work together with you to enhance your business and improve the efficiency. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get more details of Custom Skirting Board.