Air compressor requirements to fill up tires?

03 Jan.,2024



Bus Geek

Join Date: Sep 2015

Posts: 3,856

Year: 2002

Coachwork: Thomas Built Bus

Chassis: Freightliner FS65

Engine: Caterpillar 3126E Diesel

Rated Cap: 71 Passenger- 30,000 lbs.



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Buying a air compressor for taking off and installing rivets soon. Was wondering if I needed to consider special needs to air up tires also.

Currently looking at 4-5cfm and 4-6 gallons size compressor. What do you people use?

I have a unit with about those specs. It can fill the tires fine. It *can* spray implement paint okay ... with a little patience and planning (the tank runs out of air quickly while spraying). It will run an air chisel for short periods, then I have to wait for it to fill up the tank again. A unit that can handle more CFM and has a larger tank is better.

You *can* add additional tanks (sort of like adding batteries to an electrical system), but you have to have the tanks to add. Also, it may take a long time to fill the additional tanks with the unit as spec'd.

I have a unit with about those specs. It can fill the tires fine. It *can* spray implement paint okay ... with a little patience and planning (the tank runs out of air quickly while spraying). It will run an air chisel for short periods, then I have to wait for it to fill up the tank again. A unit that can handle more CFM and has a larger tank is better.You *can* add additional tanks (sort of like adding batteries to an electrical system), but you have to have the tanks to add. Also, it may take a long time to fill the additional tanks with the unit as spec'd.

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