Vandal-proof bus shelter from Hammerglass

25 Jan.,2024


"We save more than 10.000 EUR a month"

In a pilot project in Stockholm, about 20 bus shelters were fitted with unbreakable Hammerglass. 

"We have chosen the bus shelters that were most affected by vandalism and which needed the glass replacing every two weeks. Since the installation of Hammerglass panels, we have not had to replace any glass at all! We expect to have saved more than 10.000 EUR a month on these 20 bus stops alone - unimaginable figures really."


Nobina will now continue to replace glass with Hammerglass panels in their bus shelters:

"It is much nicer for the staff to wipe off graffiti than to walk around in broken glass with heavy panels. In addition to the working environment and finances, there is a third factor that is at least as important, namely that our customers can wait for the bus in a clean, undamaged bus shelter. We are definitely very satisfied and would like to invite other transport companies to come and see us for themselves." (Andreas Mehlqvist, Nobina)


Bring Hammerglass into your discussions!

Our designers can help with drawings and suggestions for functional solutions. We will be happy to erect demonstration panels at a heavily discounted price for trial installation of Hammerglass wherever it may be needed.

Want more information on What is a bus shelter made of?? Click the link below to contact us.