Metallized paper and metallic inks: what are the differences?

17 Jan.,2024


Costs: what should I consider?

Again, we’ll be upfront: both metallized papers and metallized inks offer advantages, although they offer efficiencies for different applications. Metallized paper offers good value per square area. The advantage here is that it’s usually used on large areas of paper or packaging. Metallized paper easily adds a luxurious and premium feel to products and packaging which allows brands to set their sale price higher than they might have been with a more ‘average’ looking package or label.

Metallic inks can get comparatively expensive if end-users are looking to cover large areas. Instead, use of metallic inks can be advantageous if brands or end-users are looking to add small enhancements to packaging, labels and other applications. Using metallic inks for smaller areas keeps costs reasonable and the print quality remains high.

For more information what is metallic paper, please get in touch with us!