Domestic vs. Commercial Refrigeration Differences

01 Dec.,2023


Commercial fridges come in a huge range of shapes and sizes to suit whatever retail space you are looking at. From upright display models to smaller units designed to fit under a bar or kitchen benches and fridges which are designed for transportation of produce or liquids, you can select the shape and type of fridge specific to your requirements.

Commercial fridges and freezers have been designed specifically so that they can remain cold despite being continuously in use. They have larger compressors, condensers and fans which work to continuously distribute chilled air inside the unit and remove excess heat from the coil. All this power comes at the cost of a noisier unit than what you would experience with a domestic refrigeration unit – but means that your products will stay chilled regardless of how often the unit is opened in an hour.

Want more information on Stainless Steel Commercial Refrigerators? Click the link below to contact us.